I’ve decided to repurpose this website as a blog – to share some of my thoughts on Esquimalt, on council, and on some of the important issues and decisions that Esquimalt council is considering.
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- Thoughts after a year on CouncilI’ve been reflecting on my first year on the Esquimalt Council—it has been quite a year, filled with a lot of reading, meeting lots of new people from across the region and a significant amount of learning. Despite my years of experience in municipal policy and having a keen interest in cities, local governments, and… Read More »Thoughts after a year on Council
- My Responses to Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce QuestionsHere’s my responses to the Chamber’s questions. I did submit them by deadline Sunday night, but apparently some technological gremlins prevented them from being posted. Below are my answers in full: Candidate Statement I want Esquimalt to articulate a vision of what we want to see – and I interpret a vision as being a… Read More »My Responses to Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce Questions
- My vision for Esquimalt (from Chamber of Commerce All-Candidates Meeting)The Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce hosted an All-Candidates meeting last Thursday at the Esquimalt High School. We were asked to answer questions relating to business development in Esquimalt and make a 2-minute candidate statement. Here’s what I said in my two minutes about my vision for Esquimalt and its business development: I want Esquimalt to… Read More »My vision for Esquimalt (from Chamber of Commerce All-Candidates Meeting)
- Video of All Candidates Meeting (Sept 28)Last week the Esquimalt United Church and ECO, the Esquimalt Climate Organizers, hosted an all-candidates meeting. The meeting was broadcast on Zoom and was also recorded. The video of the event can be found on Youtube: https://youtu.be/b5w-1GqQXek Each candidate was asked to prepare a 4 minute statement as well as answer questions from the audience.… Read More »Video of All Candidates Meeting (Sept 28)
- My Thoughts on ReconciliationI believe that we all, as residents of Esquimalt, have a role to play in reconciliation with Indigenous people and especially our neighbours, the lək̓ʷəŋən people or the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. We live on lands that are their traditional territories and there is a long history of broken promises, treaties and agreements between them and our… Read More »My Thoughts on Reconciliation