Housing Affordability
Like everywhere in BC and Canada, too many people in Esquimalt are struggling to find affordable accommodation. Too many families and individuals are having to leave Esquimalt because they are unable to find housing that meets their needs and/or income levels. While affordable housing is largely a provincial and federal jurisdiction, there is a lot Esquimalt can do to help make housing more affordable.
Climate Change
Esquimalt, like many governments, has a long history of setting ambitious climate change targets, and then not doing much to ensure we actually meet them. Rather than making a big deal of our targets and intentions, I’d like Esquimalt to start developing some concrete actions and policies to match its ambitious plans and targets.
Safe Streets and Active Transportation

Esquimalt is a great place to walk and bike: but it could be so much better! There are many areas that lack sidewalks, and many vehicles don’t respect speed limits or stop signs in residential neighbourhoods. Where they do exist, many of our sidewalks and overall street design does not meet current standards for safe and comfortable pedestrian areas. We need to make Esquimalt’s streets feel safer for children and adults so more people feel comfortable walking and biking in our community.
Good Governance and Financial Management
The most important role of a council is governance and financial management. Council sets priorities and ensures that progress is being made towards these priorities.
Taxpayer funds are limited, especially now given the economic climate, and need to be used with great care. Careful alignment of budgets with priorities is important.